Saturday, June 18, 2011

High Expectations

Sometimes I just feel so... weighted by everything. My teachers, my parents, and my friends have such high expectations for me but whyyyyy. I wish I had a book called 'The answer to the question "why"'. I should write it - you know, its easier to give advice than to take your own. Today I wore a pretty dress... why? Its not like Id expect to meet someone that would come up to me and say "Dear me! What a pretty dress you have there!" and then they'd whisk me away into the sunset. Uhm thanks but no thanks Id rather have some sweet potato french fries. Why cant teachers just give us a break? Hello we have other classes and yes, families to deal with so whats the big deal? Why do people starve and why can I not go and help them - now? Why can't we all be friends forever and  have a good time and not have drama or deal with wars or the economy or certain times of the month or bad people? Why can't I have high expectations in myself and say that yes I will make a huge difference in the world? Whyyy??... I probably must sound like a little kid. Imagine if I said why to someone, they'd say "Because. That's why." Actually maybe it is just "because". And you know what? The bus driver today told me he really liked my dress. He said it looks so natural and down to earth. Then he whisked me away to my bus stop where I walked to Venice from...which technically was towards the sunset. It all works out doesn't it ? :)

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