Thursday, December 30, 2010

Relating Movies to Life

Relating Sex and the City:


First off, I would like to make clear that I am not a fan of Sex and City but I spent the whole night watching the entire first two seasons with my friend and may I just say… wow. I hope that there aren't a woman out there who do that with whomever they think is attractive or wealthy. I mean what happened to self-control? I'm not saying I didn't like the show, it was witty and Carrie (the main woman) reminded me very much of myself because not only does she have curly hair (like me) writes down what she thinks (like me) but she also questions anything and everything (again, like me). There are two differences between her and me though. First, I do not live in NY or have money growing on plastic trees in an apartment to spend on Gucci shoes. (Even if I did that money would go to others who need it to survive). Second, I do not question the good things in life; if something in your life goes well and makes you happy, let it be.

Now I bet you're wondering how I'm going to relate this to the world – maybe you're not wondering at all but then I'd tell you to use your imagination.


Sex and the City > Women having sex willingly > Women being forced to have sex > Exploitation of Women (and men and children) for sex (prostitution)


It's a weird connection but, seriously. Some women do not value their freedom or liberty to marry and love who they want and walk down the street without worrying about someone kidnapping them. According to BBC News (British Broadcasting Corporation) The US estimates that between 700,000 and 4m people each year are victims of human trafficking, one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. It disgusts me to think that right now human trafficking is going on and innocent girls of my age or any age will lose their freedom to the profitable world of prostitution.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the trafficking of humans has nothing to do directly with Sex and the City but it's just something for you to think about.


(I could've gone into "what's the point of spending two hundred dollars on a pair of heels when instead you can use the money to save lives..." but that's for another blog.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Your Ana Supports WikiLeaks.
 I Just saw this. I'm all for supporting our troops but war is not a game. It's not like Call of Duty. Innocent people aren't targets. I don't see how war is good for anyone… even the victors. This video is an example of unjust warfare and unfortunately it happens a lot more than we think it does. The Government has issued a warning that anyone who looks up WikiLeagues will never have a job with the U.S government. I wouldn't work for a government that puts those kinds of limits on me anyway.

Every Day is a New Day

This is a Christmas gift from Your Ana. I just wanted to say I'm so happy to hear from you again. I hate to lose someone that I enjoy talking too... no one likes to lose that kind of person. Everyone likes to know that someone cares for them and the more the merrier. Think of every friend as a Christmas gift, you get the gift among a few others but sometimes a gift – over time, gets misplaced but when you find it again its better than the best gift you had gotten that year. Was that too complicated? Let me make it clear… It's so nice to hear from you again. I missed our pointless but entertaining conversations a ton. Don't you love it? Talking on the phone for hours? Wish we could just be friends forever and know that little issues will be resolved and we won't ever stop talking because like I said, I enjoy being with you (and talking to you) a lot.

Everyone always has that person that they haven't fully fixed loose ends with or maybe even it's a friendship that needs to start over… like we did. Can you imagine if everyone started over when something went wrong? It would be so great! People who stopped loving each other could start over and feel the butterflies again. Countries in war could just stop and start over before lives were lost. I think that if everyone had an "every day is a new day" type attitude, then we'd find ourselves happier people. *sigh* But that's just another one of my ridiculous theories.

Regardless, the point of this little rant was that it's always nice to hear from such a great friend and I can't wait to see you again. Best wishes and enjoy the Christmas wishes my friend :D and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Cada dia es un nuevo dia (Spanish) כל יום הוא יום חדש (Hebrew) Every day is a new day (take a minute to guess that language)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Your Rainy Days

So what happens around the world on rainy days? Well obviously it's not raining on the whole planet at one time... Where does the water go? Can we make it go to places where it only rains one week out of the year? Or would that offset the balance of nature? Not that anyone cares anymore about messing up the balance of things... I hear that less than 5% of the people in the U.S have all of the wealth in the nation, hence the other 95% are either middle class or POOR. That is not balanced.

Our actions as well make or break a balance. A raindrop falls into a puddle and the entire body of water chances its form. It's the same with society, one negative action leads to another until the whole body is a negative action.

Yep. This is what I think about when it rains.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Intro to Your Ana

So who am I and why am I important. Well I am Ana and I think I am important because well... I care. It's not just about me, or you, it's about them-The people who need us. They need our help, but we're too involved in our own lives. I can't believe that people spend hundreds of dollars on dresses and shoes when with the money they spent on something so superficial, could save lives. The saying goes "money can't buy you everything" but to people in third world countries, money can get them a second chance. I would be there –right now. I would go on slave raids and free as many families as I could. I would be there building wells of clean water for entire villages. I would be everywhere if I could…but I cannot. Not yet. I hope to someday start something, a movement that spreads not only the word of poverty but influences and offers opportunities to give a helping hand. I want to start a movement with non-biased, factual, and accurate information given in the news. I want to make a difference alongside everyone, first my friends, then strangers, then the nation, and then the world. You don't have to tell me twice that this dream is unrealistic but most of the things I see around me I have a hard time believing. I won't lose anything if I don't try, but people out there who need us, will lose everything. So that's my dream and right now I'm just in the blueprint stages so as soon as I can – and when school is over, I'll be out there. Baby steps first. First step, spread the word and the idea.