Thursday, December 23, 2010

Every Day is a New Day

This is a Christmas gift from Your Ana. I just wanted to say I'm so happy to hear from you again. I hate to lose someone that I enjoy talking too... no one likes to lose that kind of person. Everyone likes to know that someone cares for them and the more the merrier. Think of every friend as a Christmas gift, you get the gift among a few others but sometimes a gift – over time, gets misplaced but when you find it again its better than the best gift you had gotten that year. Was that too complicated? Let me make it clear… It's so nice to hear from you again. I missed our pointless but entertaining conversations a ton. Don't you love it? Talking on the phone for hours? Wish we could just be friends forever and know that little issues will be resolved and we won't ever stop talking because like I said, I enjoy being with you (and talking to you) a lot.

Everyone always has that person that they haven't fully fixed loose ends with or maybe even it's a friendship that needs to start over… like we did. Can you imagine if everyone started over when something went wrong? It would be so great! People who stopped loving each other could start over and feel the butterflies again. Countries in war could just stop and start over before lives were lost. I think that if everyone had an "every day is a new day" type attitude, then we'd find ourselves happier people. *sigh* But that's just another one of my ridiculous theories.

Regardless, the point of this little rant was that it's always nice to hear from such a great friend and I can't wait to see you again. Best wishes and enjoy the Christmas wishes my friend :D and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Cada dia es un nuevo dia (Spanish) כל יום הוא יום חדש (Hebrew) Every day is a new day (take a minute to guess that language)

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